Your Guide to Bed Yoga
The Unmade Bed, Imogen Cunningham, 1957
Good morning, yogis!
Ever wished you could start your yoga practice without leaving the comfort of your bed? Well, you're in luck. Today, we're exploring the wonderful world of Bed Yoga — a gentle sequence you can do before your feet even touch the floor.
Bed Yoga is a fantastic way to ease into your day, awakening the body and mind gradually. It's particularly beneficial for addressing the stiffness that naturally occurs during sleep.
Remember, if the body feels better with movement during the day, the morning discomfort you experience is likely not serious. This gentle routine gets the blood flowing after those supposed 8 hours of rest, helping to regain mobility. In fact, post-pandemic, when everyone was starting their practice again, Bed Yoga became a key practice for many in reclaiming their flexibility and strength. So, let's dive into this simple yet effective routine that can make a big difference in how you start the day!
Your Bed Yoga Sequence:
Knee to Chest (Pavanmukhtasana)
Bend the right knee to the chest, holding the shin.
Pump 3-6 times, then hold and breathe.
Repeat 6 times.
This pose helps release lower back tension and gently massages the abdominal organs.
This pose is also known as the "Wind Relieving Pose” and the “Horse's Mouth Pose.” Pavana is the name of a sacred horse.
Leg Raises (Supta Padangusthasana)
Extend the right leg to the ceiling, straightening the knee.
Hold the back of the thigh and pump 3-6 times, stretching the hamstrings.
Hold the extension and breathe.
Repeat 6 times.
This stretch wakes up the hamstrings and improves circulation in the legs.
Foot and Ankle Mobility
Point and flex the right foot 6 times.
Make ankle circles, 6 in each direction.
These movements improve ankle mobility and circulation, preparing the feet for the day ahead.
Repeat on Left Side
Perform steps 1-3 with the left leg.
Butterfly Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)
Bring the soles of the feet together, knees apart.
Pull the feet towards the chest, opening the groins and inner thighs.
Pump 3-6 times, then hold and breathe.
Repeat 6 times.
This pose helps open the hips and stretch the inner thighs.
The Number 4 Stretch (Supta Kapotasana)
From Butterfly Pose, keep the left foot on the bed and place the right ankle on the left thigh, creating a figure-4 shape with the legs.
If comfortable, gently press the right knee away from the body.
Hold for a few breaths, feeling the stretch in the right hip.
Repeat on the other side.
This pose is excellent for stretching the outer hips and can help relieve lower back tension.
It’s important to keep the shins parallel to the collar bones. You can do it with the pictured elevated foot on the bed if you are feeling very tight.
Supine twist
Bring both knees to one side, perpendicular to the spine.
Twist the upper body and shoulder to the opposite side.
Breathe deeply, feeling the stretch in the spine and lower back.
This twist helps realign the spine and can aid digestion.
Windshield Wipers
Place the feet hip-distance apart or wider.›
Exhale and lower both knees to one side.
Inhale and bring them back to center.
Exhale and lower them to the other side.
Repeat 6 times in total.
This dynamic movement further twists the spine and stretches the obliques.
Remember, the key to Bed Yoga is gentleness. Move slowly, breathe deeply, and never force the body into any position that feels uncomfortable. This sequence is designed to wake up the body gradually, improving circulation and gently stretching the muscles before you start the day.
By incorporating this Bed Yoga routine into your morning, you're setting a positive tone for the day ahead. You're taking time for self-care right from the moment you wake up, which can have profound effects on your physical and mental well-being.
So tomorrow morning, before you reach for your phone or jump out of bed, why not try this sequence? Your body (and mind) will thank you for it.
- Barbara Boris
Images From:
Yoga Journal
Self Magazine